There are many ways to participate and lead in the worship at St. John’s. 

Servers’ Guild: Servers participate in the liturgy by leading the processions with cross and tapers and assisting the priest at the altar in the preparation for Communion.

Intercessors: Intercessors lead the Intercessions or the Prayers of the People during the service. The intercessions are prepared by the priest and provided to the intercessor ahead of time.

Readers: Readers proclaim the scriptures publicly during the service. Readings are set according to the revised common lectionary and are taken from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible.

Communion Assistants: Communion Assistants serve the wine during Communion.   

Sidespeople: The Sidespeople greet Sunday worshipers, distribute bulletins, collect the offering and assist during the Eucharist

Video Recorders:  Record the 10am Sunday service for airing on Cogeco Cable.  The service is broadcast the following Sunday at 8am and 1pm